Wednesday, February 13, 2019

February 13, 2019 General Meeting Minutes

In Attendance

Rachel Bourell - President (by phone)
Laura Adams - Vice President
Emily Hoopes
Breann Wright
Kaycee & Warren Christensen


Called to order 9:10 a.m.
Parent Teacher Conferences
February 20-21
Wed Feb 20: Del Taco has offered to donate dinner, Emily has been coordinating. Will call today. We need an answer today.

Thur Feb 21: Ingredient list compiled to be distributed by signupgenius. We will collect ingredients Tuesday so that they can be cooked and delivered Thursday.

Sign ups for soup
Kenna - Chili
Catherine - Chicken Noodle
Warren - Taco Soup
Breeann - Creamy Soup

We need clear communication about which campus dinner is for. We need to put cleanup in the sign up genius and to plan for cleanup. (Crock pot liners)

List of potential donors exists.
Approval exists from the school board.
Not a lot of success talking to Amy in fundraising. Kenna will continue.
Find out who NOT to contact.
School board may potentially chip into the cost of this project.
Talk to Deanna, do we have the option to sell advertising space.

Spirit nights
Still pursuing for both Del Taco and Papa Murphy's. We need to make sure we can do this outside of Jan, Feb.

Paint Nite
Kenna has been researching a paint night. This is: A single night painting lesson. Usually $35 entrance fee. $15 of every ticket comes back to us. $100 deposit comes back after 25 tickets sold.

At the school or at their location. Week night preferred for donation. One down south and one up north. On separate nights.

We discussed trying to do one location and then a second if successful. Created a survey and went it to Wendy to measure interest before setting a date and paying a deposit.

If we did a paint night,would you be interested? How many people would you bring? Which location would you support?

Advertise via e-mail. Signs. Flyers. Focus advertising on carpool line.

Kenna will reach out to Amy to make sure that this event would be approved.

Meeting was adjourned at 10:30

Minutes prepared by Emily Hoopes