Thursday, January 10, 2019

January 10, 2019, General Meeting Minutes

In Attendance

Rachel Bourell - President
Laura Adams - Vice President
Chris - Treasurer
Emily Hoopes
Breann Wright
Kaycee & Warren Christensen


Called to order 9:10 a.m.

Began with introductions.

After discussion and research, we are going to say no for the present to becoming the chartered
organization for scouts. Primarily, this decision is because we want to focus more on establishing
the PTO in this first year. Other reasons include:
  • We have not been able to get enough attendance at PTO meetings to hold a vote. We don’t feel like we would have enough participation in an absentee type vote, either.
  • Although our costs are minimal, so are our assets. We have raised only $260 to date. $50 is a large percentage of that budget.
  • We have questions about ongoing leadership and support, especially for a commuter school.
We do till think Scouting would be an asset to the school and are willing to consider becoming a chartering organization in the upcoming school year. We would consider the following to be prerequisites:
  • We need to identify a succession plan for the PTO leadership. (A plan for elections and passing on of assets.
  • We need to find a way for the PTO membership to vote on this measure.
  • We need to identify a Chartered Organization Representative (COR) who is willing to take on management of the scout troops/dens and also will represent the interests of the PTO/attend meetings.

Action Items:
Communicate with Yaroch: Rachel

The blog is complete, but Emily was sick over Christmas and didn’t submit it for approval

Action items:
Submit blog to principal: Emily

Spectrum Academy is not like other schools. It has its own fundraising department and many programs already in place at the school level that are traditionally operated by Parent Teacher Organizations. We are still trying to identify our purpose and place in the school.

To that end, it has been proposed that one possible mission of the PTO would be to help the committee that is attempting to get a better playground built for the middle school.

Kenna Sine, who chairs that committee presented their efforts so far.

A concept design with illustrations has been created and was shared with those in attendance. We discussed the sensory friendly features included and other considerations of the plan.

The estimate for the construction is $95,000 without installation. The intention is to do this project as a community build, meaning that we’d try to find builders willing to donate time and labor to construct the playground. Wood chips have been chosen as a playground surface because they are the most affordable and can cost less if installers also spread the wood chips. The project can be built in phases an a minimum of $65,000 is needed for the first phase.

The design has tentative approval from both Deanna Billings and Spectrum Academy. However, limitations on fundraising imposed by the school have presented an obstacle that has halted progress on this project. A GoFundMe exists for this project.

The PTO would like to explore how we can help to reach out for donations from businesses, individuals and others to help with construction of the playground.

We discussed obstacles to this project including: our own tax status;  whether or not our own bank account can be used to store raised funds or if Spectrum needs to collect these funds; how to offer 501(c)3 benefits to people donating.

Plan of action
Continue to talk to Spectrum about financial considerations
Draft a donation request letter for area businesses
Identify potential donors then canvass area businesses
Set up a Square donation page using our Square account. (Emily & Chris)
Determine status of GoFundMe

Fundraising brainstorming
PTO fundraising not used for other events
Paint night
Community events such as farmer’s markets/ fairs, etc. in the summer
Solicit donations of labor, etc. from businesses.
Charitable organizations that fundraise (Eagles, for example.)
Bake sales

Action items
Action items
Kenna: find letter, collect list already brainstormed, send Emily images, research paint night
Kaycee: Reach out to eagles
Emily & Chris: Set up square donation link
Emily: Get blog approved, publish pictures
Laura & Rachel: Go to del taco, Papa Murphy’s, Diesel Brothers

Soft Fundraisers
We are still trying to set up a fundraiser for January: potentially at Del Taco closest to school
For February, we want to have several Papa Murphy’s locations. Identified Centerville and Murray locations as top 2. Seek others once we have a matching date for both of these.

Meeting was adjourned at 10:30

Minutes prepared by Emily Hoopes